Autorun Eater 2.5 is very similar to Panda USB Vaccine and USB Disk
Security in that it prevents USB or any removable disk viruses from
automatically being executed on a target system. The best part about
Autorun Eater and unlike USB Disk Security, is that Autorun Eater is
completely free and even has more features than its competitors.
Autorun Eater is published by Old McDonald Farm (not kidding the actual
name of the company). One will be greeted with pictures farm animals
upon installation. Regardless of the animal references Autorun Eater
performs its job excellently. The programs install file is only 1.3
megabytes in size and installed quickly. The resident shield billy.exe
uses approximately 1 megabyte of ram to completely secure a system.
The resident shield constantly monitors any drive that is inserted into a
computer in practice.

Again its crucial to have some form of
autorun detection. Standard free antivirus and even expensive Internet
Security Suites do not include auto run protection. Why they don’t is
beyond me, however with autorun protection, one can proactively stop a
virus rather than have it completely infect one’s system and have to
deal with a major clean up later.
Autorun Eater 2.5 includes
several nice features. One can change the priority of a detection to
high or low, one change set whether an infection is removed
automatically or asked for a confirmation, one can set trusted removable
drives which to ignore when they are reinserted, and more. Autorun
Eater 2.5 also includes a handy utility to fix the task manager,
regedit, or folder options if they are corrupted by another virus.
Some users report that free antivirus such as Avast and Avira have
reported that Autorun Eater as a virus. The publisher has reported that
this is in fact false positive activity. Also many users have also
confirmed that this program is definitely not a virus. Just wanted to
give everyone a heads up if they are prompted by their antivirus.