Vexira antivirus has been in the news lately. The software is now used at over 38 educational campuses to protect users against viruses and malware. When one actually reads the article, the reality isn’t as bright as the article portrays it as. The educational instructions aren’t necessarily universities but a group of charter schools and small districts (I reviewed Sophos Antivirus previously which is heavily used in most major American Universities). Regardless of the controversy, Vexira antivirus is actually pretty good. In fact in June 2010, Vexira antivirus was awarded the coveted VB100 award for its antivirus performance.
If you travel over to the Vexira central command website, you might find that all of the antivirus programs are trials. If you go to the download page you might be able to find one free beta program that works on a Linux 64bit system. However, we have uncovered a license key to enable a free one year subscription on personal computer. This makes Vexira an excellent free antivirus program.
Vexira free antivirus offers a few unique features.
Central and standalone versions all in a desktop antivirus –
Vexira free antivirus offers the perfect amount of scalability for a small business. Say a company has only a handful of computers on a network. At this point the company does not need centrally managed software because of the low workstation count. However, say this company grows. If the company was using consumer desktop versions of antivirus like Norton or Mcafee, the company would have to buy all new antivirus software to get centrally managed capabilities. With Vexira antivirus, a company doesn’t need to upgrade anything. All versions of Vexira antivirus can inherently be centrally managed and even installed remotely. The Vexira antivirus option will save a company globs of money with any future growth.
Low Computer Resource Usage and Compatibility –
Vexira free antivirus uses very few resources. A full installation of the most update to date version will only use 50 megabytes of hard drive space. The software also only requires a maximum of 512 megabytes of installed RAM even under Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Microsoft doesn’t even recommend running a bare installation of Windows 7 or Vista with less than 1 GB of RAM. Finally, Vexira supports Windows 98 and even Windows ME.